Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 5 February 2013

What makes me sad?

I was brought up in a home where our parents ensured we had a good moral compass with which to guide us through life, and one which would set the way on how we behave and treat others.  We were taught that the common fabric that binds our society is decency.  At least that's what I held true until recently.  I've come to understand that unfortunately there are people out there who are seriously lacking in this core element. That while essentially good people, they have the capacity to do really bad, evil things.  Of late I've been subjected to hate mail on Facebook by a group of people whom I use to consider friends.  I truly don't know what I could ever have done to any of them to have caused them to go to such onerous lengths to discredit me in the worst possible way.  The posts have been disturbing in the extreme in that my character is being castigated at will, and there seems to be a great amount of glee expressed amongst those concerned at the pain they are knowingly causing.  Bearing in mind that this is an international public online site, and all who know the people involved and know me will have a clear understanding that it is me being referred to.  Of more concern to me is that these postings are being seen by my children who are hurt by the way their mother is being portrayed.  My daughter summed it up best when she said, "I really wouldn't want their kids to feel what we are right now.  I feel for you mom, as I know that you would never intentionally put anyone through what we as a family are going through at the moment. It is so hurtful to see what they are doing to you." And this is it, we are feeling this as a family.  After all when one family member is hurt, it affects the rest. As a parent, I have always striven to shield my children from harm.  This situation I unfortunately don't have any control over and that pains me.  I  wonder if those responsible are able to rest well at night. I question if there is not even a smidgeon of doubt that their behaviour and comments could be wrong, that they don't perhaps have even an iota of guilt or shame.  But then I am not God and I certainly do not stand in judgement of my fellow man, even when I have been wronged how badly by same.  I can only say that I would not do to others that I would not have done to me.  Then again, I would not do to them what they have done to me, even after all that has been thrust my way.  For I have only pity for these horribly disturbed and depraved people.  I can only pray that God affords me and my family a blanket of protection and that we may be kept from any further wrongdoing.