Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Wednesday 11 January 2017


"Keep your head down and finger to the grindstone," they said.
"But I can't see anything with my head down; and won't my finger get hurt if I put it to the grindstone," she said.

"If you want to advance here, then you have to tow the line," they said.
"Towing the line is so not my thing, maybe pulling the line along with my work mates would be far more effective," she said.

"Just do you job and you won't get into any trouble, plus that will guarantee you an increase and possible bonus," they said.
"I can't just do my job, I have to do more.  I'm at my best when pushing the envelope or, better yet, thinking out of the box. Besides, its my creativity, boisterous personality and ravishing mind that are my greatest attributes; constructs you said had such great appeal when first we met," she said
"Anyhoo, I don't live for increases and bonuses; I'm motivated by far more meaningful influences," she continued.

I believe I have a gift, an art if you will - I write! About everything and anything - and it is seemingly well received.  The challenge lies in developing a connection with the audience.  My personal missals are mostly from the heart, a relay of experiences that I feel people can relate to. They provide a sense of deja vu at times; and can even offer comic relief in the otherwise serious existences we seem so intent on leading.

There is power in the pen as I've come to discover. I'm a Communications Officer by trade and, to that end, am often tasked with issuing media releases and crafting speeches on a variety of different topics and elements that informs the environment and communities in which I operate. Whilst agenda setting allows me to direct my audience to receive these communications in an order of preference, I'd rather build a reputation for reporting factually and in a responsible and ethical manner - albeit how harsh that truth may sometimes appear. 

So yes, the PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD...but if left in the wrong hands or galvanised by skewered agendas and minds, the penmanship could prove to be far more devastating and destructive than ever imagined.

Through my writing, my quest for 2017 hence is to become a change agent of sorts, a positive one. To be a constructive conduit of influence in a hopefully meaningful, creative and inspiring way.

Yeah, I think "Kick-Ass" just about sums it up...