Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Am I able to accept what they were not?

As the adult Charmaine I sometimes look back and ponder on a childhood that though rich was somewhat lacking in certain areas. My parents were typical products of their time - they were taught that being good parents was all about providing physiological security, that the emotional side would somehow take care of itself and was definitely not high on their list of priorities in terms of my development. So was it a childhood filled with hugs, affection, emotional and morale boosting at the hands of my mom and dad? Mmm, probably not.  Did I lack for anything financially and materially? Hell no, I was the kid everyone wanted to know as I had all the latest gadgets and toys fresh off the dock from yet another of my parents many travels (they worked at sea). In that sense I was spoiled rotten. But was I the worse for wear because of some of the other deprivations? To a degree, yes - but where my parents could not provide in those areas they made damn sure they put a support system in place to make up for their inability to do so.  I was surrounded by love and cushioned by a vast network of 'secondary family' - aunts, uncles, cousins, nannies and the like. However, from where I'm sitting today I still feel I would have been better served by receiving all of that directly from my parents. Do I accept that they did all of what they could and am happy and at peace with the way I've evolved based on my earlier years? I would have to say, yes I'm good. They certainly gave me enough of a foundation to set me on the proper course, and for that I will always remain grateful to my mom and dad. I love them all the more because of, and despite, their shortcomings.

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