Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

I'm so tired of people with hidden agendas.  Damn it man, how difficult can it be to be honest and true to those you deem to be friends? Surely the very fabric of what makes a friendship matter are those fundamental ingredients of truth, loyalty and integrity. The school I come from has taught me that these are non-negotiable if the friendship is to be considered meaningful.  That same school has further taught me that to be a true friend one should embody these qualities in every sense when eschewing it to a friendship.

I truly don't believe then that my expectations are out of whack when it comes to being granted the same consideration in return.  Yet for reasons beyond me, I find myself surrounded by so many wolves in sheep clothing lately.  Pretending to be friends and then displaying behaviour that is so contrary to what I regard friendship to be. How tiring this must be. Or is it second nature to those who deceive so adeptly, that very little effort is needed?

In recent times I've had to do quite a bit of  deweeding to rid myself of all the nettle that is choking the rich, fertile soil that is akin to the growth my friendship garden thrives on. Having done it, albeit with all the bruises and stings synonymous with such a painful process, I now look foward to seing the glorious splendour my little patch is sure to produce.

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