Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Crossing the finish line...

That's it.  80 blogs - I DID IT!!!!

It seemed like such an insurmountable task when we were first given that daunting target of 80 blogs to be completed by the end of the scholastic year.  My inital reaction was - is Marian blady crazy?! I mean, come on - when were we supposed to have a life? Oh, how I lamented my fate back then.

But the more I blogged, the more I found myself actually enjoying it. Where else would I have found such a captive audience (tongue-in-cheek) willing to be party to my many rants, tales of wisdom or offerings of wicked humour.  Blogging has provided me with a cathartic platform to lay to rest those ghosts of past that have haunted me for way longer that they should have. 

And here I am, slightly muddied and soiled by the whole experience but all the better for having done it. Mud has a surprisingly refreshing quality to it. A somewhat cooling effect - and after this arduous and taxing marathon , it's exactly what I need.

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