Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 8 November 2011

So over my annus horribilis!

This year needs to end.  I'm not wishing time away, but to kiss the buttcrack of what must surely have been my annus horribilis...well, all I can say is the sooner the better. I don't think I've ever been as sorely tested. 

Every bit of crap that could possibly happen to one person, was thrown my way this year. There was the run in with the then-boss early in the year whom I still think of as a total asshole, followed by the retrenchment (reading between the lines I'm sure you can tell that the two are somehow inter-linked), then the endless round of job interviews and subsequent rejections, not to mention the countless injuries on the softball field, and of course notwithstanding the stress and grey hairs that the studies brought - all of which has left me completely drained, exhausted I tell you!

Yep, I'm so done with this year...roll on 2012!!!

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