Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 28 February 2011

Fish falling from the sky.

The phenomenan of strange creatures raining from the sky has been coined as "Fortean" activity, named after paranormal researcher, Charles Fort, who along with others, catalogued many case studies of this abnormal occurance. This extraordinary happening is also sometimes referred to as "fafrotskies". Research has shown that this is largely attributed to severe weather conditions such as storms, tornadoes, whirlwinds etc that pick up fish, frogs or the like from bodies of water such as ponds, streams and lakes; and then carry them aflight, often for great distances, before dropping them from the sky over land. 

In March 2010, shocked residents of an Australian outback town, Lajamanu, bore testimony to the bizarre sight of fish falling from the sky.  Said one, "When I told my family, who live in another part of Australia, about the fish falling from the sky, they thought I'd lost the plot. But no, I haven't lost my marbles. All I can say is that I'm thankful that it didn't rain crocodiles!" Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1254812/Hundreds-fish-fall-sky-remote-Australian-town-Lajamanu.html#ixzz1FExRfXOq

In the summer of 2000, sightings of fish falling from the sky onto the usually drought-ridden Ethiopia caused panic and mayhem amongst its typically religious farmers, who viewed the occurance with somewhat superstition.  Again, climatologists attributed the incident to abnormal weather systems.

Strange as it is, much thought provoking discussion has followed and even used in some clever advertising -as has been seen in Old Mutual Capital's TV and print ad that flighted last year where this phenomenon was showcased brilliantly.  Old Mutual encaptulated it best with the slogan "Extraordinary times - call for extraordinary investing".  In so doing, they have positioned themselves as being the investment house that expect the unexpected in an ever volatile market, and are suitably equipped to make the most of it. 

Tuesday 22 February 2011

What is the colour of the wind?

All good reason would dictate that the wind has no colour.  For me this argument holds no sway.

I see it as blue on those cold, blustery days when the South Easter howls across Cape Town showing scant regard to whomever or whatever dares to cross its path. 

Grey it becomes when it slows to little more than a stifled breath on those summer days when it sends the mercury up to a sweltering heat that is almost unbearable.  When that haze stretches across the horizon, a visible grey pallour can be seen.  So, grey it is.

White when buffering little puffs of clouds along in their skyward journey. 

Pinkish-orange when frollicking with the infamous Cape smog.

The wind take on a tinge of green when competing for space in the sea with seaweed, or with algae in rivers. 

The wind has many colours, is chameleon-like, often changing at will.  This wonder of nature can be any colour the imagination conjures - at least, that's how I see it - a riotous cacaphony of colours with a joyous symphony to which it dances merrily in the light.

If I were the boss?

My idealistic mind would like me to believe that if I were the boss, there would be very little room for strife in my business. 'Marching to the same drum beat' would be the ethos espoused to my workforce. 

If I were the boss, I would roll my sleeves up and get muddied if necessary along with my workers; yet be ready with a pat on the back when the organisation reaches set goals and the resultant glory at the hands of its people.   

Yes, if I were the boss I'd be open to sharing my knowledge and invite the reciprocation of same from my employees.  For if I were the boss, they would be comfortable in presenting me with an idea they may have knowing that there is room to develop it.  That should the idea prove viable, they would receive the acknowledgement and accolades that are their due.

If I were the boss I'd provide my workers with the coolest office space.  Google would have nothing on us.  A daycare centre for parents to have their kids close by; kennels for those with canine children; shutes from floor to floor for staff to whizz down; rollerblades for the more risque; dining facilities second to none, an amusement park with rides and activities - these are just a few of the fun elements I would add.

Yep, if I were the boss I'd be the first to sign on the dotted line and join my revolutionary company. 

Two people come out of a building and into a story.

If ever a story line could capture the essence of the meeting between the man who was destined to be my husband and myself, then this is it.  We literally bumped into each other as we exited two adjacent buildings. 

I was really annoyed as I was running late for an interview and the unwelcome interruption to my already frenzied dash to my appointment did not help.  The poor man of course got a mouthful, peppered with a few choice expletives for good measure.  That he didn't respond to my tirade is what made me look up from the debris of my handbag's contents and files that were spewed all over the pavement.  The face of a rather handsome dude who was clearly struggling to contain his mirth helped to disarm me of any further vengeful thoughts or actions I may have had.  His willingness to retrieve my belongings from the ground and help me to a more upright and dignified position made me take a step back to get a better view of the one who was at once my assailant and knight-in-shining-armour. 

He quickly introduced himself as Rodrick Arthur Resandt from Citrusdal and said he was desperately sorry for what had happened.  I kid you not, this was all said in one breath, and was rapidly followed with him asking me out to dinner to make up for all the distress he had caused.  It was my turn to laugh at the balsiness of this perfect stranger.  Of course I turned him down, but nonetheless took the business card he offered and promised to call him at a later stage.  Well, that later stage was all of two days later.  I couldn't resist the urge to see this man that had intrigued me so. 

Who would have thought that two people coming out of a building would end up taking centre stage in the story of my life.  That's fate for you, I guess.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Designer PR?

What could that mean?  Images of haute couture immediately springs to mind with high fashion designs flouncing down the runways of Paris, Milan, London or the like.  Designer clothing, designer shoes, designer furniture, even designer babies; but designer PR?  Who would think that such a thing even exists.  Or if it does what could it entail?  The word 'designer' as defined by Dictionary.com is a person who devises or executes designs, especially one who creates forms, structures, and patterns, as for works of art or machines. 

In my opnion, if applied to PR, it would refer to the person that puts together a PR plan to the specifications of a client and ensures all the steps are followed in the execution of it.  As each plan is customised according to each client brief, the uniqueness of such would warrant the 'designer' connotation of exclusivity of the PR service afforded to each client.

Another way to look at it, would be prospective clients seeking the services of a 'designer PR' professional who is  renowned for work that sets him or her apart from the rest in the field.  Again, this allusion to exclusivity would ensure the PR professional the 'designer' label.  The haute couture of PR so to speak.

Friday 11 February 2011

I am...?

I am...?  I've been so busy trying to stay on the treadmill of my crazy life that I haven't given this question much thought for some time. Well, for those who have not had the pleasure of knowing wonderful me, I am Charmaine Theresa Resandt - born in the wee hours of a balmy Cape summer's night on Sunday, the 7th of January (way back when).  By all accounts I blasted into this world shrieking like a banshee and, if the truth be told, very little has changed.  If there is an issue that I feel strongly about I will speak up, more often boldly and with the old voice box on full volume.  There've been loads of those!

What shapes my character?  Sometimes the teachings of rather wise and emulant role models, and other times what has presented itself as thinly veiled 'life lessons'.  Mr Moerat, past principal of South Peninsula High School, my almer mater, comes to mind. A dear old soul who through his infinite wisdom, patience and kindness made me feel that I was worthy and capable of more than I thought.  Mr Simmons, my first softball coach, taught me the value of humour and how this wonderful asset can carry one through the darkest times.  My parents, though products of their time and somewhat emotionally distant, instilled in me a thirst for knowledge and that swimming upstream gives you good physique if nothing else. A brother and sister, who each have influenced my life though their unique and special being. Then there's my husband who has my back and loves me regardless, even at times when I'm such a cow that I scare myself.  My amazing, crazy kids whom I adore more than life itself.  Last, but certainly not least, my girls - who sometimes drive me nuts but have been my anchor when I've lost my oars. So, in a nutshell, I am...because you are!