Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Two people come out of a building and into a story.

If ever a story line could capture the essence of the meeting between the man who was destined to be my husband and myself, then this is it.  We literally bumped into each other as we exited two adjacent buildings. 

I was really annoyed as I was running late for an interview and the unwelcome interruption to my already frenzied dash to my appointment did not help.  The poor man of course got a mouthful, peppered with a few choice expletives for good measure.  That he didn't respond to my tirade is what made me look up from the debris of my handbag's contents and files that were spewed all over the pavement.  The face of a rather handsome dude who was clearly struggling to contain his mirth helped to disarm me of any further vengeful thoughts or actions I may have had.  His willingness to retrieve my belongings from the ground and help me to a more upright and dignified position made me take a step back to get a better view of the one who was at once my assailant and knight-in-shining-armour. 

He quickly introduced himself as Rodrick Arthur Resandt from Citrusdal and said he was desperately sorry for what had happened.  I kid you not, this was all said in one breath, and was rapidly followed with him asking me out to dinner to make up for all the distress he had caused.  It was my turn to laugh at the balsiness of this perfect stranger.  Of course I turned him down, but nonetheless took the business card he offered and promised to call him at a later stage.  Well, that later stage was all of two days later.  I couldn't resist the urge to see this man that had intrigued me so. 

Who would have thought that two people coming out of a building would end up taking centre stage in the story of my life.  That's fate for you, I guess.

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