Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 28 February 2011

Fish falling from the sky.

The phenomenan of strange creatures raining from the sky has been coined as "Fortean" activity, named after paranormal researcher, Charles Fort, who along with others, catalogued many case studies of this abnormal occurance. This extraordinary happening is also sometimes referred to as "fafrotskies". Research has shown that this is largely attributed to severe weather conditions such as storms, tornadoes, whirlwinds etc that pick up fish, frogs or the like from bodies of water such as ponds, streams and lakes; and then carry them aflight, often for great distances, before dropping them from the sky over land. 

In March 2010, shocked residents of an Australian outback town, Lajamanu, bore testimony to the bizarre sight of fish falling from the sky.  Said one, "When I told my family, who live in another part of Australia, about the fish falling from the sky, they thought I'd lost the plot. But no, I haven't lost my marbles. All I can say is that I'm thankful that it didn't rain crocodiles!" Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1254812/Hundreds-fish-fall-sky-remote-Australian-town-Lajamanu.html#ixzz1FExRfXOq

In the summer of 2000, sightings of fish falling from the sky onto the usually drought-ridden Ethiopia caused panic and mayhem amongst its typically religious farmers, who viewed the occurance with somewhat superstition.  Again, climatologists attributed the incident to abnormal weather systems.

Strange as it is, much thought provoking discussion has followed and even used in some clever advertising -as has been seen in Old Mutual Capital's TV and print ad that flighted last year where this phenomenon was showcased brilliantly.  Old Mutual encaptulated it best with the slogan "Extraordinary times - call for extraordinary investing".  In so doing, they have positioned themselves as being the investment house that expect the unexpected in an ever volatile market, and are suitably equipped to make the most of it. 

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