Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Not all who wander are lost.

Indeed not.  I am one who wanders and am definitely not lost!  I often find myself sitting in boring meetings and my mind goes on the most amazing celestial trip while the rest of the grey suits stay behind, jabbering away about matters that I have not the slightest interest in.  Sometimes I am rudely interrupted by the grey suits who seem to have the knack of drawing me back when I least want. 

Then there's the wanderlust that takes hold from time to time.  The need to get away and travel to foreign shores.  To explore new continents, new places, new cultures, new cuisines, new people. 

To wander from job to job when the time feels right to find the fit for another level of expresssion.  When you know that you've reached the glass ceiling in a given concern. That with out a doubt there will never be room to expand and develop were you to stay.  It is in venturing into the unknown and harnessing the lessons learned in each new part of life's journey that we grow as individuals.

To wander from a relationship that may have run its course.  In making the decision to move on when you know there is no further value to be had in languishing in the seemingly futile.  That is not being lost.  No, that is knowing what is right for you.  That is having a purpose and a certainty that life is a series of journies; each with a subway of its own that courses along to the next station.  To wander is not about getting lost, it's knowing when the next part of that journey should commence and moving along to the intended destination.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% there is no such thing as drifting, every road leads to a place that you need to be at that point in time. Life is about the journey!
