Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 4 April 2011

Now is the Winter of my Discontent

Having just come through a gruelling season with my present softball club, culminated by the Club's annual awards ceremony on Friday 1 April 2011, there is much to be said for this proverbial cherry on top of a rather tarnished cake.  I've played softball for almost all of my life and have a passion for the game that rivals none.  I cherish the wonderful relationships I've formed with fellow team mates and coaches of the various clubs I've played for along the way - some of which have prevailed and are still amongst my close network of friends.  However, and more tellingly, in recent time there have also been incidents where some rather insidious individuals have used the sport to promote their somewhat distardly agendas.  Never before, and certainly not in one playing season, have I seen so much low and vile behaviour displayed by so many.  So disheartening as it contradicts the code of honour that the sport upholds.  These incidents have nontheless served as lessons, as harsh and testing as they may have been.

But here we are at the end of this season. I feel sad in a way since I will be saying goodbye to a club in which I've invested so much of my time and energy and one that I felt so much pride in until recently.  Given the not-too-pleasant turn of events and behaviour described before, it has however meant that decisions needed to be made.  After much deliberation, I know now that it is time to turn the page and put an end to this chapter of my softball journey.  And I am at peace with that.

For I have found a new purpose - the formation and development of a new softball club.  I have a great bunch of equally softball-crazy ladies who will form the core group of this new venture.  A mighty venture, so the name of Titans is more than apt.  I can't wait to take the field in the new club's colours - GO TITANS!

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