Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 8 April 2011

The Outing of Her Awesomeness, HRH Raisin (aka Charmaine Resandt)

I am convinced that somewhere in the many incarnations I've embodied in one of my former lives I must have been a queen, or at best of some royal descent.  What other explanation is there for the blue blood that courses through my veins?  This is so contrary to what I've been told by family, friends, doctors, even my fellow softball mates when I've been injured or needed surgery at some or other time.  All these people have tried to convince me that my blood is an ordinary red; like the rest of the world out there.  Crazy, I say.  What are they missing?

Why is it so difficult for them not to see that my regal carriage is a dead give away.  And that royal wave that comes so naturally.  Maybe it's because despite my royal heritage and ethereal disposition, I am able to mix with the common folk with relative ease.  For I don't look down on them with disdain.  Hell no - rather, my effervescent (some say crazy) nature is drawn to people like a moth to a flame and it appears to be completely mutual. What can I say, I am after all Her Awesomeness.  I am intrigued by the quagmire of characters that have crossed my path.  I have learned so much about people, what makes them tick, the kindness and depths of the human spirit, the meanness of some, the inspirational acts of others.  Oh, I could go on and on.  For this is what fascinates me most - people!  It is for this reason that I have explored human sciences and gravitated towards my particular area of study , i.e. Public Relations.  And my royalty does so help in crafting communications and programmes for the many clients I see myself having.  For only one whose royal aura shines as bright, would be able to position others in an equally spectacular light. 

I believe in goodness, in living life to the fullest, of not sweating the small stuff, in reaching the full potential I am meant to, in living my life in honesty and with integrity, in respecting my fellow beings, in being the facilitator of not only my own happiness but those who matter to me as well.  I believe that I can make a difference.  I believe that my family is very important and come before all else.  I believe in my God and am respectful of the deity others worship, albeit how different from my own.  I believe that without my friends I would not have as meaningful a life. I believe that softball is probably the greatest game that has ever been played.  I believe that I will always have strong opinions about things that matter to me.  I believe it is important to have a voice and to use it to good effect. I believe that where there is injustice it is imperative to take up the cudgel and fight the good fight. I believe that a sense of humour is key to overcoming anything that life may throw your way.

As for how I am seen by others, I say again - "What part of my tiara bling and royal bearing makes you think that I am anything other than Her Royal Awesomeness?"


  1. it is good to love life there is nothing wrong at all, i like your picture queen, you really an Her Royal Awesomeness I can see keep it up girl you are rocking

  2. Fangs a lot for the kind words. Mwah to you!

  3. I dont understand why people do not see the Royalness??? its because they cannot believe someone of such stature can be so kind and available to her common folk. Loving the blogs you put up :) Royalty Rules
