Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 20 June 2011

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.

My strengths: kindness, embracing life, lots of energy, interest in people, being fair, to love with abundance of spirit, to articulate my feelings, endurance, loyalty.

My weaknesses: too giving of my time, intensity, expectations that are out of whack with reality, involvement in other's lives, unselfishness, to love with abundance, quick to temper, easily frustrated, letting go.

Even to the untrained eye, a pattern seems to emerge.  And yes, just by outlining the above, it is clear to me that our strengths can be our greatest weaknesses; especially where an imbalance takes hold, where the one is out of kilter with the other.  For instance, it is good to love with abundance.  But it is not good where a dual road is not established with those you are eschewing that abundance to.  Then it becomes necessary to receive love with equal abundance.  Funny how I can be kind to others, but find it so difficult to exercise that same kindness on myself. Rather the opposite applies - I am exceptionally hard on myself, much harder than I would ever be with anyone else. And I justify this harshness by convincing myself that I am capable of more, that I should rise to greater challenges.

Mmmmm: strengths, weaknesses - an intertwined, complex web that lends definition to how we conduct ourselves. My quest, to let the strengths outweigh the weaknesses - oops, there I go again. See what I mean?!

1 comment:

  1. Fully agree. The constant challenge lies in finding balance for these two characteristics to live in harmony with each other.
