Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Saturday 11 June 2011

Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road.

Life as I know it has been peppered with lots of 'wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road" moments.  Those 'wow' moments that have defined me as well as given me direction when lost.  

Meeting my man, dudester-numero-uno, is one that stands out.  I didn't know it then, but he would become the one sure thing, that one person whom I could turn to when the chips were down.  For those who know us, this may come as a surprise since he is known to have disappointed at times.  But if push comes to shove, I know he has my back and for me that is enough.  

My son, oh what a fabulous wedding cake he is. A great fruit-cakey mix, a heady concoction of spirit. I remain inspired by his resilience and drive to go beyond, regardless of the crazy curve balls life had the bizarre need to throw at him. My daughter, the zany, caring spirit of this amazing child reminds me of the frosting on a wedding cake - sweet, decadent, tough, crackly, dreamy, yummy.  

The family I was born to: my mom, dad, sister and brother.  Oh my goodness, how could I even begin to describe how these layers of my wedding cake have not only shaped me, but given my life so much depth and meaning.

The mentors, the friends - people who have taken me down paths I would not have imagined possible.  Where delight and joy have shared centre stage like the grooms and brides they are atop my wedding cake.  

And yet at times my wedding dance with life has stumbled and become warbled.  The brandy-soaked wedding cake leaving a rather nasty aftertaste. But those blights are just an affront to my taste for life.  Moments that could be swept away with the crumbs and carelessly abandoned wedding decorations after the festivities were done. What always followed was another 'wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road'. Renewed hope, renewed vows, renewed life, renewed relationships. And my dance continues.

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