Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 20 June 2011

Try a cliche

For some time I thought that when people resort to cliches it's because they have run out of ideas or original thought and the cliche becomes the convenient cop-out. However, the more I think about it the more I realise that there is more to cliches than first meets the eye.  Even though it may have been repeated countless times to the point that it so far removed from the original thought, it can offer some comfort, meaning and even context to a situation.  For instance, when things appear bleak and desolate the cliche, 'every cloud has a silver lining' is often proffered. I've had that one thrown my way a few times, and admittedly it may be trite but at the time I felt somewhat comforted and a degree of hope took hold. And the other firm favourite, 'time heals all wounds'.  Cliche?  Maybe.  Experience, however, has shown that it has some measure of truth to it. There are some cheesy cliches doing the rounds though.  My "eeeww" is 'two peas in a pod'.  Why? Well, I hate peas and just the idea of two of those horrible little green things sitting together in a pod...sorry, no - the mental picture has me freaked.  Do I use cliches?  Of course, I do! I'm a mother for goodness sake.  Show me one mother who doesn't, and I'd say that's as 'rare as hens' teeth'.

1 comment:

  1. Agree, they are the most overused in the English language. Love them or hate - cliche's are here to stay. And they are growing rapidly - particularly in politics and corporate world.
