Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Thursday 20 October 2011

Brace yourself...

Some good news (at last). Recent ortho visit reveals that what was initially thought to be a torn ACL could be a pulled ACL. Why is this good news? Damn, but you lot can be pretty thick given half a chance. It - means - I - can - get - back - to - softball - sooner - rather - than - laaaaatttttterrrr! But brace yourselves, it does however have me in this ortho straight jacket for another month. Yikes!

But, if it means playing again...hell, I'll do it (mostly).  This thing's such a friggen las, man. Takes me all of 10 minutes to strap myself into it. And then there's that limited mobility - eish, not good for a kriewelgat like me.

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