Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 7 October 2011

Glass half full...

Being the eternal optimist, and somewhat of a modern day Pollyanna, has seen me viewing the glass that has proverbially glanced my hand from time to time as being half full. But my usual self-confidence and well-known brand of positivism has been tested to the hilt of late. Even to the point where I'm starting to question this glass half full mentality I've been buffing and pruning for almost all of my glorious existence.

A few rather interesting and somewhat dubious concoctions have been spritzed into that glass lately. Let's see, curdled cocktail number one was the retrenchment back in June; then the subsequent round of job interviews where I've literally sold myself to the 'Devil who wears Prada' and back would rank high as cloyingly rich cocktail number two. 

Oh yes, let's not forget the countless rejections that doggedly followed said interview trail, that would definitely be high up there as bittersweet cocktail numero tre  - if I have to hear another 'we really concerned that you may be overqualified for the position' I cannot, and will not, be held responsible for enacting some of the macabre fantasies that I've dreamed up in retaliation to these foolishly and glibly placed words (come on, if that was the thinking why take a candidate on a wild goose chase of countless rounds of interviews; surely they would know this from the get go of scanning a CV - are these dudes thick or what).

Then cocktail four, this balmy drink that's filled my glass way too many times for my liking has to be all the damn injuries I've suffered this year whilst playing the beautiful game - seriously, you really want me to tell you what the beautiful game is and what it represents to me?!  You're kidding right?! Where have you guys been. Oh, my work here is far from done. Ok, to the uninformed who've been living under a rock until now - the dislocated shoulder (admittedly that's an old one that keeps coming back to haunt me, followed by the fractured hand and the more recent ACL rupture of the knee that now requires surgery.) Oi, this cocktail has made me want to see that glass running on empty, and the sooner the better.

So before that fabulous cocktail number five presents itself, I would have to say that despite everything I can still see clearly through the half empty portion of my glass. My spirit (no pun intended) remains in tact and that I can only ascribe to my glass half full approach to life.  Yep, I said it - I'm still the eternal optimist. I really can't think of any other way to be. The really good thing about my glass being half full is that I get to dip my well manicured royal index into some interesting and exotic mixes. More so than I do the murky and somewhat unsavoury liquids that at times have made the quality of the contents of my glass seem rather unbearable. What's that you have there? Ooooh, a tequila sunrise - bring it, I say!

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