Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 14 October 2011

Breaking the (Piggy) Bank

Does it get any more pathetic than this...

I'm broke. Literally, there ain't no funds of any sort - nada, zilch - and its only the 14th. Just a month ago I was riding the crest of a glorious financially rich wave. What a joy. And then...payment of bills, settling debt and a tidy sum stashed away in a fixed deposit for the princess's college fees. All very necessary I know. But here I am, a near pauper.

Soooo, that leaves me with just one resource. The princess's piggy bank. It can't be all bad surely? I mean, I have put money aside for her college fees so that should make it okay then, right?

There I go with that Catholic guilt again.  What is it about us that puts thoughts of flagellation and purgatory, if not being damned to eternal hell before the simplest acts? Oi, if ever I get to see that Sister Frances who not only put the fear of God into me but is the main culprit of instilling the guilt factor, well enough said.  I have a huge apple to peel with that Sister. Maybe she'll have a couple of mates that I could lay my peeler into - Brother James, Father Athenatias, my mom, oh crickey - there's a school of Catholics out there that have a lot to answer for.

So guilt aside, my desperate and decrepit financial status will have me raiding the princess's virtual piggy bank this afternoon. We need to eat, okay. ABSA, here I come!

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