Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 22 July 2011

Do you celebrate the things you do have?

Not nearly as much as I should. I am guilty of sometimes succumbing to that national past time of bemoaning all the 'should haves' and 'could haves' rather than expend the same amount of energy on what 'I do have'. When last have I taken the time to count the very many blessing that have been bestowed on me, things that I take for granted and carelessly relegate to that basket that keeps filling up with the "I'll look at that tomorrow". That I am arrogant enough to believe that another "tomorrow" will automatically follow is testimony to the scant regard I have for those things that are worthy of celebration. Things like the abundant love and support I am surrounded with from family and friends; the promise that each new day brings; the stumpy, dimpled legs that I'm convinced is God's whacky humour playing itself out - but nevertheless is testimony to the fact that I can walk, run, dance and play where many cannot; the good health I enjoy, the material wealth (well by the standards of those less fortunate, I would be regarded as wealthy); the sporting accomplishments; and oh, so much more.  No, I certainly have not celebrated any of these in the way they deserve to be.  So my resolution from here on is to do just that, celebrate what I have with relish and style.

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