Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 22 July 2011

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

Like the rain that falls from the sky to wash away dirt and waste, so too are the tears that cleanse the soul.  So often we harbour hurts and pain for way longer than we should.  These negative forces churn away inside us and fester to a cancerous, bitter mess that harms not just our psyche but becomes fodder for physical ills. Unleashing those feelings with a good old sob leaves one feeling refreshed and so much lighter, allowing the warmth of positivity to flow in unchecked. For giving in to an ebb of tears is letting go of emotional gunk that blocks the channels of happiness that would rather be resident.  A sign of weakness?  Hell no, it is the weak who lack the stamina or courage to rid themselves of unnecessary baggage. It is the weak who will lumber along, dragging their heavily ladden souls through the quagmire of pessimism they surround themselves with. Those of strength on the other hand will stand up courageously in the face of life's challenges and cry an ocean to stand free. It is the strong that know that crying whether happy or sad, is a show of courage - the courage to have the whole world witness to what is in effect an emotion they are willing to embrace and let go of if necessary.

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