Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 22 July 2011

What motivates me?

Oo, this is a goody! There's so much that can be said for I am a highly motivated person.  But what really gets my buzz up? Well, let me list them - 'cos that's the other thing, I'm big on lists:

1) Seeing the joy that unfolds when people are kind to their fellow man
2) The well being and security of my family
3) The need to feed my ever-inquiring mind
4) Being inventive with my very busy schedule to secure that precious (and mostly elusive) 'me time'
5) That feeling of satisfaction after completing a particularly difficult assignment
6) Getting good grades
7) Ensuring my children understand and appreciate the value of a good education
8) Traveling and exploring new places, people and cultures (setting a goal of visiting at least one new place a year)
9) Instilling values, morals and a sense of tolerance and respect for others in my kids and seeing them apply that successfully to their everyday lives
10) Being a good example to my kids based on point 9
11) The idea that I can make a difference to not only my own existence but to the lives of those I engage with
12) Lazy Sundays with my family
13) Awareness and active involvement in my world
14) Financial security
15) Emotional growth and development of self
16) The blessing and gift of each new day (just waking up to a new day is inspiration enough - I think when you've come closing to losing it more than once, you have a whole new take on the meaning of life and how precious it is)
17) Simple acts of love
18) Love songs
19) Food (oh, I'm a sucker for good food)
20) Friends and family (nurturing the bonds that are formed with people who add meaning to my life)
21) Humour, the balm to my soul
22) Chocolate (ok, maybe that could fall under food - but I think it deserves its own point 'cos that little velvety yum-yum can motivate me to do far more than the other points combined)

Okay, I'm going to stop now before I get carried away.  And believe me, there is a real possibility of that happening.

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