Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The legendary masala steak & egg toasted sarmie (aka The Fix)

Anyone who's ever experienced that horrid, green feeling (aka the dreaded hangover) borne from a night of overindulgence, will know that there is only one sure quick fix - a slap up, greasy breakfast followed in quick succession by a petrol bomb (aka a Jive 2 litre). Okay, anyone that's Coloured that is (sjoe I can just see the PC brigade klapping me down with this one). But this is how my people have been doing it for years and gone on to tell many a 'hair-of-the dog' tale, but inevitably it all boils down to 'The Fix' - a masala steak and egg sarmie with everything.  Everything, being slap chips, salads and that special sauce. All this towered together between two toasted slices of white bread (sorry, but brown bread just won't cut it for the purposes intended). And don't forget to include that 2 litre petrol bomb, for how else are you going to wash this magical concoction down. All this to be had as soon as the first dodge takeaway joint opens. You know, about the time when the shakes meets Japie (this could get vile so I'm going to limit the description to being 'sea-sick'). Where then would you find 'The Fix' - well, having tested quite a few places (for research purposes obviously) I would have to say that The Farmstall in Ottery stands unrivaled. Man, they make a mean 'Fix'.  Don't believe me? Next time you have a need for a hangover cure, give it a shot.  Ons praat weer.

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