Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Monday 25 July 2011

If not now, then when?

This one's made for me, the queen of procrastination! If there is something that I can put off for another day, another time, then believe me I will. Especially those things that I think of as cumbersome or laborious, or just downright boring.  And I will come up with every conceivable reason as to why it cannot be done right now.  The reasons are plentiful and some have become legendary:  "it's too hot; I'm tired; because, just because (yep, I've been known to cite that as a reason); I need to pack the linen cupboard before I can get to that ('cos that's important, right); gotta watch Project Runway, I have restless leg syndrome (I kid you not, said that once) etc, etc". The strangest thing is that I'm the first to lament the supposed time constraints of my insanely busy life. This despite being given advance notice of some two months for that assignment that's due this evening for instance. What the hell is wrong with me? Why, oh why do I continue to put this absurd pressure on myself?! Oh, the classic "I work best under pressure" is the rejoinder I will proffer when pushed.  For how else would I explain this madness.

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