Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 22 July 2011

What makes you smile?

The sun caressing my freckled nose. Warm, crunchy white sand squelching between my toes on the river bank of the majestic Elephant's River. The sight of my son as he comes through the terminal on his return from yet another long spell away from home. Random acts of kindness and the effect they have on the people being bestowed on.  Hot chocolate with a dollop of ice cream. A fire and accompanying glass of port to warm the cockles of my heart on a dreary winter's night. A good novel that I can escape in for a short while. My daughter's delightful laugh. The sound of Harry-the-Helicopter (aka my husband) taking off on yet another flight plan - it means he's alive and hasn't been felled by the ills that plague him. The look of pride on my family's faces when I walked up to the stage to receive my diploma in PR. Waking up to the promise of a brand new day. Bumping into what used to be a supposed 'hottie' who was just downright nasty and snubbed me way back when, looking rather bedraggled and anything but hot now (so I can be small-minded and smug too, get over it). The smell of one of my hubby's legendary steaks sizzling on a braai as it wafts through our home. Precious family time where all we do is just chillax and savour each other's company. Watching the mist rolling over the ocean from the deck at our special place in Betty's Bay. Catching the punch line to a particularly funny joke. My husband surprising me with a romantic gesture just when I was about to bemoan our flagging relationship.

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