Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Thursday 21 July 2011

The elephant in the room.

Sometimes the truth will stare one boldly in the face, and yet there are times where one blindly sidesteps it as though it did not exist.  Why do we human's do that?  Could it be that the truth may be so potent that it has the ability to hurt and leave us smarting? Or is it that some of us prefer to remain oblivious to it, thinking that whatever it may be that we are avoiding may eventually go away?

I've had moments where colossal truths have hit me square between the eyes, yet I have continued regardless - neither giving it credence or recognition.  For it was as described before, sometimes so big and so hurtful that to give it the time of day would have meant giving in to the pain that would be sure to follow. Something I was prone to avoid with all my might. But bit by bit, the truth has a way at chipping away at the most hardened of armour.  For the truth will out.  With a force all encompassing, it has no choice other than to rocket towards its intended destiny. For a truth that big, there is no avoidance.  You have to embrace it, give it the attention it deserves and deal with the consequences left in the aftermath of the reveal.

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