Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The last lecture.

My life has been a series of ever-evolving lessons. Lessons taught and learned from amazing people who have been both mentor and ally. It has been a journey where lecturers have imparted invaluable wisdoms and learnings that have fortified the cache I delve into when life throws some of its unexpected curve-balls my way. The lectures have been many, the lecturers even more so. God-willing, they will continue to present themselves as I continue on the path towards my final destination. For it is only at that time that will I take heed of the final lecture; when my final call comes, when I close my eyes to what I hope has been a remarkable life, one that I will be happy to leave my earth body to. For only then, will that final lecture have true meaning.

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