Her Awesomeness

Her Awesomeness
Practicing the royal wave/smile

Friday 22 July 2011

List your top 200 achievements.

Really?! Top 200 achievements - now this is going to prove challenging I thought as I stumbled onto this blog topic. Wouldn't it come across as being rather boastful? But then again, why not? We humans are so good at pointing out our myriads of faults and failings and seem to have very few qualms of doing so in even a public sense. In fact, the denigration of achievements rather than the celebration of such has become a national past time.  So, I am heartened to be able to document my top 200 (though it could be said that I don't think I will come even close to that figure since my life is ever-evolving and my path is set to clock up many more as I continue on my journey). But, for the sake of posterity here are some tidbits that rank high thus far.

1) Being wily enough to guide a certain egg cell towards a certain sperm that ensured the creation of wonderful me. My being born has meant the world is a better place. LOL
2) Marrying my soul mate and bestest (for my own purposes, not spelled incorrectly) friend
3) The birth of my own two wonderful children
3) Maintaining childhood friendships into my adult life
4) Not only successfully achieving the National Diploma in PR but doing so Cum Laude (even though I had to fight for that one due to an oversight at CPUT)
5) Letting my world understand that I matter
6) Making myself understand that I matter
7) Hosting big events successfully (putting these babies together is no mean feat)
8) Starting and developing a softball team
9) Playing softball at age 43 (you have no idea how big this one is, what with a much maligned body that stubbornly refuses to co-operate)
10) Having the stamina and the will to continue studying
11) Being made head girl at high school
12) Standing proud and not denying my child when said head girl badge was removed after it was discovered I was a teenage mom (up to now the finger still goes up when I think of that conversation with that pompous, judgmental principal and her staff who thought I was a bad example to my fellow school mates)
13) Getting my driver's licence (shame the poor driving instructor was a candidate for a heart transplant after the ordeal I put him through)
14) Receiving the Chairman's Award at the Vikings 2011 Softball Presentation
15) Receiving numerous other awards in the softball fraternity over the years
16) Being a member of the LOC for the Junior Softball World Cup scheduled for later this year
17) Getting to grips with social media to the point where I am now an active tweeple and blogmeister
18) Forming a word in on-line Scrabble with total points of 145
19) Setting the platform for a life filled with simple pleasures
20) My girls' network (they've seen me through many a dark patch and celebrated my joys and achievements with equal gusto)
21) Making my parents proud of me (sadly, they've passed on but knowing that I can tick off the above list is testimony to all they've instilled in me)

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